Curso itau cultural development innovation league barcelona

Brazil is known for its vibrant music culture, love of soccer and for being the largest country in Latin America in terms. Its mission is the support and promotion of Catalan language and culture abroad, in all its forms and means of expression. Institut Ramon Llull is a consortium comprising the Government of Catalonia, the Government of the Balearic Islands, and the Barcelona City Council. Our courses provide students with outstanding practical experience, helping them to be better prepared as they enter the professional world. This certification recognizes once again our formative quality and consolidates the international prestige of IED courses.

IED Barcelona is the only Spanish school that teaches Bachelor of Arts (Hons) validated by the University of Westminster. International in its outlook, it is fully consolidated within its local surroundings, and offers quality education in close association with research activity, the transfer of scientific, technological, cultural and educational knowledge, the promotion of its human potential and.


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