Art 170 codigo penal mexicano en ingles portugues

A propósito de la aplicación de los artículos 169, incisos 1 y 2, 170, párrafo primero del código de familia, una mirada con los. 1817, at first especially in criticism of art and music, from French technique "formal practical details in artistic expression" (18c. Word-forming element meaning "near, at, in, on, within," from Greek en "in," cognate with Latin in (from PIE root en "in"), and thus with en- (1).

art 170 codigo penal mexicano en ingles:

  • art 170 codigo penal mexicano en ingles de
  • art 170 codigo penal mexicano en ingles en linea

, sub pena, from Medieval Latin sub poena "under penalty," the first words of the writ commanding the presence of someone under penalty of failure, from Latin sub "under" (see sub-) poena, ablative of poena "penalty" (see penal). 1610s, "technical," from Latin technicus, from Greek tekhnikos "of or pertaining to art, made by art," from tekhnē "art, skill, craft" (see techno-). Suffix added to nouns to produce adjectives meaning "made of, of the nature of" (such as golden, oaken, woolen), corresponding to Latin -anus, -inus, Greek -inos. ) "produced by burning in," from Greek enkaustikos, from enkaiein "to burn in" from en (see en- (2)) kaiein "to burn" (see caustic). Spelling variants in French that were brought over into Middle English account for parallels such as ensure/insure, and most en- words in English had at one time or another a variant in in-, and vice versa.

The French phrase is from the title of L'Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes, held in Paris 1925. Se llaman caminos públicos las vías de tránsito habitualmente destinadas al uso público, sea quien fuere el propietario,. ) "of art, technical," from Greek tekhnikos "pertaining to art," from tekhnē "art, skill, craft in work" (see techno-).

Also used with native and imported elements to form verbs from nouns and adjectives, with a sense "put in or on" (encircle), also "cause to be, make into" (endear), and used as an intensive (enclose). Decorative and architectural style popular from 1925-1940, attested from 1966, from shortening of French art décoratif, literally "decorative art" (see decorative). , Modern French pénal) and directly from Medieval Latin penalis, from Latin poenalis "pertaining to punishment," from poena "punishment," from Greek poinē "blood-money, fine, penalty, punishment," from PIE kwoina, from root kwei- "to pay, atone, compensate" (source also of Greek timē "price, worth, honor, esteem, respect," tinein "to pay a price, punish, take vengeance.


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